Every child has the right to play.
We are mobilising for children on the move.
Play is a fundamental right, and an essential part of childhood. It helps children to learn about themselves and the world around them, and is core to healthy development. Yet, today, hundreds of refugee children living in northern France don’t have access to education or spaces to play.
Project Play is working to change this. We provide a mobile play service to create spaces for refugee children to process trauma, develop key skills and make positive memories.
Our Winter Raffle - A love that lasts.
Project Play is built on love - we are volunteer run cheered on by amazing supporters like you. That’s why we want to share a love that lasts. This February we are running a raffle with some amazing prizes to say thank you to our regular donors - will you join us?
News & Updates

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Explore our work documenting children's rights violations on the UK-France border.
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Find out more about how we bring play to children on the move in northern France.
Get in touch via email or on one of our social media platforms.