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membership charter

We are delighted that you have or are considering becoming a member of Project Play! As a member of Project Play, you are required to abide by our Members Charter. These guidelines seek to guard our standards of behaviour and support our growth in a safe and sustainable way. Failure to comply with the Members Charter can lead to the immediate termination of your membership.




  • To co-create a safe space for children in which we facilitate free and imaginative play, with a focus on cooperation and collaboration.


  • To minimize the impact of toxic stress within children and young people on the move, by providing the scaffolding for the development of emotional regulation, empathy and resilience.


  • To foster a sense of identity, agency and increased self-worth for the children we support. 




As an official Project Play member you are agreeing to commit to upholding and maintaining the following standards at all times:


  • Follow our safeguarding policy and procedure. 


  • Maintain a high level of professionalism in all relationships and interactions with those we support, Project Play members and other members of the wider community. You must always uphold professional boundaries, be reflective in the role you play within the context and strive to do no harm. 


  • Support and uphold Project Play’s mission as stated above and our core values of love, kindness, cooperation and respect. 


  • Share your knowledge, expertise, skills and good practice to support the growth and development Project Play and our services.


  • Commit to continuous learning to ensure a current or up-to-date understanding of the context and our work. 


  • Play an active role in our network and share your ideas to build a stronger Project Play community. This includes active participation in the Annual General Meeting (AGM), should you choose to attend. 


  •  As a member, you must report any behaviour which risks the safety, security or wellbeing of a member of the community or charity. 


  • Members should not make or publish remarks, on social media or other platforms, that appear to be on behalf of PP, without the informed consent of Project Play. 


  • Ensure that you have gained consent for the use of any resources, content or ideas from other Project Play members, and make sure these sources are given appropriate credit. 


  • If members have any suggestions, concerns or complaints please seek support or guidance from the Executive Board or other actors if required.


  • For safeguarding purposes, Project Play members are not automatically permitted to participate as a volunteer or granted access to the field or the communities we support . If members wish to volunteer on the ground they must undertake the volunteer application process.

Project Play is a registered charity in France, Charity No: W594012083. We are also under the umbrella of forRefugees, UK Charity No: 1168435. forRefugees raises money to give grants and emergency funds to small volunteer groups who work on-the-ground to support refugees across Europe. © Project Play 2020

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